“There couldn’t be a more urgent time for leaders at all levels and in all industries to embrace the importance of courage to organizational success. Thankfully, Jim Detert has created the blueprint for courageous leadership.”
“No one else writes as authoritatively and compassionately as Jim Detert about what it means and what it takes to speak up about what really matters. Whether you’re working at your first job or running a company, this inspiring book will help you make a difference.”
“Jim Detert has zeroed in on arguably the most critical conundrum in the workplace today. The everyday environment demands more personal courage than ever before while, at the same time, it makes it more difficult than ever to exhibit the courage required to navigate all the challenges of the day. Detert helps us find our way. Well done!”

Meet Jim
Jim is the John L. Colley Professor of Business Administration at the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration and a Professor of Public Policy at the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, both at the University of Virginia. His writing on workplace courage and related topics is grounded in decades of formal research and brought to life based on intimate portraits of leaders and ordinary people he’s come to know personally. Jim thrives on empowering people to have difficult conversations, engage rather than avoid challenging situations, and competently embrace other opportunities for courageous action in their own lives and workplaces.
Competent courage comes from careful practice.
Want to maximize your success when choosing courage in life and at work? The Courage Center brings together key insights from Jim’s research and his new book Choosing Courage. Embrace these steps to create more optimal outcomes for yourself and others.
Find out how to:
- Create the right conditions
- Choose the right battles
- Manage the message and your emotions
- Follow-up effectively
Speaking truth to power will look different based on whether you’re standing up to a boss, managing a subordinate or dealing with a difficult peer situation.